Majestic body features, intelligence and loyalty have made American Akita dogs a popular favorite for many pet enthusiasts across the USA. This beautiful dog has an independent trait and likes to spend time alone. They generally prey on smaller animals and behave aggressively with strangers. This makes accommodating other pets with Akita extremely challenging for most pet lovers who want to adopt multiple animal species. The following section of the blog will provide valuable tips on how to socialize Akita dogs.

Key Advices on How to Socialize Akita Dogs
Akita dogs are by nature territorial and protective of their family members and owners need to spend considerable time and effort to socialize Akita dogs. Here are some essential tips that you can follow to help socialize your dear Akita dog.
1. Don’t Miss Out Daily Exercise
Before trying to socialize your Akita you need to make sure that it is in a happy mood and temperament. Daily exercises are an important routine to keep Akita healthy and happy. Take your Akita for a walk, engage with them with various dog games, and meet all their mental and physical exercise needs to make them ready to get along with others.
2. Early Socialization is important
Early exposure to other dog species or animals makes it much easier for Akita to develop socialization skills. One of the effective ways to make them accustomed to other animals or dog species is to adopt another dog along with Akita. However, you must take them out daily and make them interact with dogs of your neighborhood or call other pets at your home. Also, ensuring consistent exposure to dogs outside their family group is extremely important.
3. Enrolling in Dog Classes
Akita dogs are stubborn and difficult to manage for an inexperienced owner. However, if they are trained by expert dog trainers, American Akita respond really well. So, it is highly recommended that you enroll your Akita in any professional dog training class where they would gain exposure to other dogs in a controlled environment. To get access to qualified trainers, it would be best to consult with top brands selling American Akita puppies.
4. Bribe them with Treats
Treats can be an effective motivation for Akita to socialize with other dogs. So, you can train your Akita to know that by behaving properly around other dogs it would be rewarded with treats.
5. Be Aware of Akita Behavior
Even if your Akita has started to behave nicely with other dogs it is not safe to let your guard off. Akitas are extremely moody and can turn out to be aggressive to others anytime. Thus, it is an important safety measure to keep an eye on your Akita while you take it out or you invite guests’ pets home.
6. Get a Leash for your Akita
Although Akitas are loyal and obedient to their owners, they can go out of control if they feel uncomfortable around strangers. Having a dog leash is the best way to keep your Akita in your control while taking it out for socializing with other dogs.
7. Be Patients with your Akita
It might be frustrating initially to make your Akita get along with others. Since socialization is against its nature, it would take time to socialize for some time but it does not mean it would not change its way around other dogs. Have patients and you will notice significant changes in their behavior.
The blog has discussed the essential ways to socialize Akita dogs for all pet lovers. Akita has an independent nature and likes to be within its comfortable territory exploring things on its own. To take your Akita out of their comfort zone and to make them socialize with other dogs and animals following these key strategies would be beneficial.